Airports Near Port Everglades

Airports Near Port Everglades

Airports Near Port Everglades

Fort Lauderdale Airport and Miami Airport are close to
Port Everglades

Fort Lauderdale Airport, and Miami Airport are close to Port Everglades. Airports Near Port Everglades

Port Everglades is…

  • 4 miles from Fort Lauderdale Airport
  • 32 miles from Miami Airport
  • 53 miles from Palm Beach Airport

What Airport is closest to Port Everglades

Fort Lauderdale Airport

  • Fort Lauderdale Airport is closest to
    Port Everglades
    • 4 miles away
    • Drive time is 12 to 20 minutes depending on traffic.
  • Plan your time accordingly so you don’t miss your flight or cruise

Miami Airport

  • Miami Airport MIA is the next closest to Port Everglades
    • 32 miles away
    • Drive time is 36 to 72 minutes depending on the time of day and traffic.
  • Plan your time accordingly so you don’t miss your flight or cruise

Palm Beach Airport

  • Palm Beach Airport is furthest from
    Port Everglades
    • 57 miles away
    • Drive time is 50 to 65 minutes depending on traffic.
  • Plan your time accordingly so you don’t miss your flight or cruise

Fort Lauderdale Airport

How far is Fort Lauderdale Airport from the Cruise Port Everglades cruise terminal?

Looking for Airports Near Port Everglades Fort Lauderdale International Airport, is the closest airport to, Port Everglades, at only 2 miles away. Both, Port Everglades and Fort Lauderdale Airport, have many ways to travel back and forth to each other, including, convenient car rental at each location, Uber, lyft, public transportation, and shuttle service.

Shuttle rates from, Fort Lauderdale to Port Everglades range from $15 to $27 for the first person, then, between, $5 and $9, per extra person. A couple can expect to pay about $20 to $26.
Check with Uber, or, Lyft to see if they can be competitive.

Miami Airport

How far is Miami Airport from Port Everglades cruise terminal?

Miami International Airport is about 27 miles south of, Port Everglades and is an easy drive south on I-95 then follow the signs to Miami International Airport.

Shuttle transportation rates from, Miami Airport to Port Everglades range from about $40 to $45 for the first person, then, between, $25 and $30, per extra person. A couple can expect to pay about $55 to $95.
Check with Uber, or, Lyft to see if they can be competitive.

Palm Beach Airport

How far is Palm Beach Airport from Port Everglades cruise terminal?

Palm Beach International Airport is about 53 north of Port Everglades. Simply take I-95 North then follow the signs to the Palm Beach International Airport. Brightline seems to be the best way to get from Port Everglades.